
In a previous article, the first in the Water Into Wine series, we discussed how Yeshua turning water into wine was not for show, but was a sign that pointed to something. We began, in that article, to dive into why He turned water into wine and what exactly His sign pointed to. The previous article was a bit of an overview of this gem. The article you are reading now and subsequent articles in this series will dive deeper into the points already made in Water Into Wine: But Why?. Before diving into this article, it is apropos to reiterate the following point made in the previous article. “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and it is the honor of Kings to seek out a matter” (quote, Proverbs 25:2). I submit to you, my dear reader, that the nature of water into wine is to do just that: to conceal a matter that we have the honor of seeking out. Let’s learn together.

The reality of being chosen by The Teacher had begun to sink in after the wonder of being in The Messiah’s presence wore off some. It isn’t that it is anything less than wonderful to be in His presence Thomas thought while drying the sleep from his mind that morning, welcoming the early rays of sun into his eyes, but it is like I expected a different kind of wonderful, and the reality of His presence while awesome is just more, well, real than I had expected. The men gathered themselves around the fire which had been stoked a few hours previously by The Teacher Himself in the wee hours of the morning still considered night, before recessing to a quiet place to pray. The earlier rising Judas had put a few sticks on the fire which was previously stoked, just after his Master had stolen away, and slowly all had come to join him while Messiah was in prayer.

Thomas stared at the less than torrid flames that morning, contemplating how easily it would have been for him to continue in the deception he had previously been under before the subtle wool that was over his eyes concerning His Master’s true character was lifted. He looked lovingly at His new friends wondering if any of them had experienced this yet. Nothing in their returned looks gave it away if they had. What a man of such gentleness, so full of longsuffering, so ready to serve without expecting anything at all in return Thomas thought of His Master. He saw his own character, placed in the morning’s slow burning fire, turning His ways to ash in order to make way for those ways He was learning from The Master. Thomas wondered about His wife and children. When I return I am going to be a completely different person, will they be able to come under the headship of a man of superior morals and values Thomas worried. These changes certainly come with their risks.

Before too much time had gotten away from them that morning, He came back to them with a glow about Him and excitement brimming through His twinkling Fatherly eyes. He looked at Thomas last, before sitting down for a moment, they looked into one another’s eyes for a long time before Thomas’ Master grabbed the back of His neck, held him close in a hug, pulled back and kissed Thomas on the cheek. He then whispered into Thomas’ ear “Your family members are in the hands of The Father and you are in My hands. I and The Father are one.” A long moment passed before He said, “With great responsibility comes great sacrifice.” Yeshua kissed His Disciple on the cheek again. Looking at each other for another brief moment, Yeshua was looking for any concerns that may have needed to be addressed in Thomas’ mind. All He saw was relief and gratitude in Thomas’ eyes. Thomas and his new friends agreed that being in their new Master’s presence gave them both the feeling of being completely cared for in each of their special circumstances while at the same time an undeniable but currently unclear sense of responsibility was yielded to each of them to complete some preternatural, unknown task of paramount significance that only they each could complete. It was a feeling hard to explain. “We go” The Master said to them.

It had been dry in Cana for quite some time and the dust was beginning to cake their nostrils. They exchanged uneasy looks among each other, wondering where their next meal would come from. They had not had dinner or breakfast. With eyes straight ahead, Yeshua announced to them that they had been invited to a wedding feast that was to last a week or more. “I know you men are hungry” Yeshua said, His eyes and focus still on the road ahead, using the Hebrew “Adam” instead of “Ish” for men, which raised their awareness of what He was saying to them. “We are going to use your hunger as a tool to cry out to Our Father in Heaven. We will be at this wedding, surrounded by food, but for the entirety of the first day we will focus on gratitude for the shelter provided to us by Elohim, through the bride and her groom, while fasting.” Judas let out an almost imperceptible groan that was heard more with spiritual ears than those of the flesh. Not having breakfast should suffice, shouldn’t it? Judas thought to himself while his face flushed at the thought of the possibility that his inward groan could be heard by the men he now was in fellowship with. The embarrassment quickly faded as another thought entered Judas’ mind, the guests of the wedding and the hosts will consider us rude for not taking part in the dainties set before us. This Yeshua may not be all I thought He was.

The rebellious contretemps of Judas was the opposite of that which the other Disciples experienced. Without even trying, they became a bit excited. They saw the sacrifice as an opportunity to please their new Master, to discipline and overcome their flesh, and to grow closer to God. The group’s gait took on a new, purpose driven step as off in the distance, what had Yeshua’s attention while He was making the announcement was becoming more clear. A small group of Roman soldiers, three on foot and two on horseback were on the road ahead of them, marching towards them, keenly aware of their presence and ready to trap them in a disrespectful word toward their position, their Roman Governor, or their Roman Emperor.